PR & Lattes
The PR & Lattes podcast is your jolt of information on everything related to PR and communications. Join host Matisse Hamel-Nelis and her latte as she dives deeper into issues and topics important to communicators today with industry experts and thought leaders. No topic is off-limits.
PR & Lattes
A latte with students
In this episode, Matisse chats with PR & Lattes' student writers Ally Medeiros, Meagan Poole and Rebeca Blyde about returning for their final semester and talking about their journeys to PR.
Connect with Ally:
LinkedIn: Ally Medeiros
Email: medeirosxally@gmail.com
Connect with Rebeca:
LinkedIn: Rebeca Blyde
Email: blyderebeca@gmail.com
Connect with Meagan
LinkedIn: Meagan Poole
Instagram: @MegyPoole
Let's connect PR & Lattes:
Website: PR & Lattes
Instagram: @PRAndLattes
Host: @MatisseNelis